Why does my child find writing difficult?

Vanessa P. Bicomong

Essay writing can be a challenging task for some kids. It requires a great deal of effort, organization, research, and good writing skills in order to produce a well-crafted piece of writing. 

Where do I begin?

The challenges begin as soon as students are presented with a writing assignment. They may not know where to start, feel overwhelmed by the task, dread the writing process, or lack the necessary skills or knowledge to get the job done.

For many kids, the first and most difficult task is simply beginning. They may be discouraged by the anticipated difficulty of the task if they are unfamiliar with the subject or if they lack self-confidence in their writing skills. They may be overwhelmed by the thought of organizing their ideas and putting them into words. And in some cases, they may even find the process mentally exhausting or tedious.

Overwhelmed by information

The process of researching a topic and organizing information can also prove to be challenging for some kids. The student may find the research itself difficult if they find the topics unfamiliar or lack the necessary language skills to understand the various sources of information. There’s so much information out there, and students may struggle to organize the information they find in a meaningful way – especially if they are unfamiliar with the organization techniques used in academic essays.

Putting it all together

Organization is another difficult hurdle for many kids. Crafting an essay requires an organized approach, which includes structuring the essay, researching the topic, and composing the actual written work. Many kids find this structure unfamiliar and difficult to work with. They may not know where to start or how to go about organizing their ideas into a coherent, cohesive essay. 

How do I say it right?

Finally, a student may struggle with the actual writing of the essay if they help in language skills or need writing skill improvement. They may struggle to express their ideas in a clear, concise, and concise manner. Poor sentence structure, spelling mistakes, clumsy word choices, and improper punctuation can all make understanding and expressing their thoughts in writing a challenge. Additionally, just guiding the reader through the essay with good transitions can be difficult for some kids.

How can we help?

If your child dislikes writing essays, find out what exactly makes it difficult: is it a lack of confidence, difficulty organizing ideas, difficulty researching and understanding sources of information, inability to express thoughts with good language and writing skills, or all of the above? 

The Learning Library offers a FREE reading comprehension and writing assessment to determine what help your child needs. We also have leveled programs designed to develop confidence and reading and writing skills: ENGLISH EDGE and READ UP, WRITE NOW! Send us email at inquiry@learninglibraries.com or visit our website.


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